Play Video about An image of the deep blue ocean, depicting inspiration from within for our motivational blog - Uplift My Mind

About Us

Welcome to!

In the English language, “us” is used to refer to a group of people that includes the speaker (or the writer).

For, “us” means both me, the writer, and my blog site. Together, we form a unique and dedicated team, committed to bringing you insightful and uplifting content.

While it might seem like “us” only includes two parts, however, there is an interesting story behind each.

From my personal experiences to the inspiration that led to the creation of this blog site, every element adds depth and purpose. And I am excited to share these stories and experiences with you.

About Me

Image of site owner of this motivational blog

Hello! I am Gaurav, and here is a little about me.

Throughout my life and career, I have met some amazing people from diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Whether I was reviewing with a business partner in Ireland or discussing ideas with a functional manager in the UK, or interacting with my stakeholders in India, Egypt or Europe, I realized that we all share a common desire to be happy and successful.

In fact, this realization, along with a few other events, inspired me to create this website. I have also been guided by wonderful mentors and through this platform; I hope to share some of their wisdom with you.

My goal is to offer practical guides, mental health resources, and inspirational articles to help you achieve happiness and success.

My Journey

I consider myself a multi-potentialite, a term that resonated with me during Emilie Wapnick’s TED Talk, “Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling.” If you would like to learn about this concept, I would encourage you to watch this informative talk.

On a personal note, I am a proud husband to a loving wife. I am also an adaptive ambivert, which means I can be as flexible as aluminium, yet as stubborn as steel! So, I can understand how challenging it can be to strike a balance!

With this in mind, I hope the content on this website will inspire and uplift you.

If you would like to know more about my professional journey, you can view my LinkedIn profile [here].

How It All Began!

The logo of our motivational blog site.

Let me also share with you the story behind the creation of this website.

As mentioned earlier, it all began with the simple realization that we all share a common desire to be happy and successful. But, as they say, desires need wings to take flight. These wings can come in many shapes and forms. And here is the story of how my wings took shape and helped me build this platform.

The Spark of Inspiration

In 2022, when the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic was over, most of us, including me, were dealing with some of the scars left behind: the pain, the grief, the isolation, and in many cases, irreparable loss of our loved ones.

But our offices had resumed, most of them in work-from-home or hybrid setups, and life was slowly returning to normal.

One day, during a review meeting, I had to give a presentation to our new department head, with an overview and a progress update for my area. While I was preparing the presentation, which was meant to be quite formal, as it was for a review discussion, suddenly a thought crossed my mind.

During the pandemic, my wife, who is a schoolteacher, used to take classes from home. I noticed that before she would start her class, she would read to her students the “thought for the day.”

I clearly remember the first quote I heard her use, “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it”, a beautiful quote by Edith Wharton.

That inspired me to create an additional slide which at the time I added to the annexure of my presentation, and I titled it “Quote Me on It.” The department head was new, and I wasn’t really sure how he would react, and to be honest, I wasn’t even sure if I would get to present the annexure slide.

After I had presented the main review content, I sheepishly moved to the annexure slide and read out the quote. To my surprise, the department head, and some of my other colleagues in the meeting, really appreciated it. In fact, I was asked to share a thought of the week every week, with the entire department!

The Inception of UpliftMyMind

Each week, I would look for quotes, filter the deepest and the most meaningful ones, and every Monday, I would mark out a mail with the QOTW (quote of the week). Many of my colleagues would reply to me and tell me that they found the quotes meaningful because it made them look within and reflect. Many told me that they found them very uplifting.

Two things happened as a result. First, I realized the power of positive words and their effect on the mindset. Second, I grew a fond liking for the word “uplift”!

And thus, UpliftMyMind was born! Goes to show the power of encouragement, doesn’t it? If my department head had not encouraged me that day, then perhaps I may not have been writing this story today, or maybe writing it differently.

Ever since I started, I have always tried to ensure that whatever time I am able to devote to writing my blogs, I give it my 100%, to honour the encouragement, which brought me to do what I once aspired! And I hope to continue to do so in the future!

So together, let us inspire, motivate, and radiate happiness and success!

What Drives Us?

An arrow pointing towards the vision of our motivational blog

Our Vision

Our vision is to spark hope and ignite curiosity.

We want to inspire and uplift you with every post and help you make your day a little brighter.

We believe that if even one reader benefits from our content and shares that knowledge and happiness with others, our purpose is fulfilled.

Our Values

1. Positivity: We believe in the power of hope.
2. Inspiration: We help you pursue your dreams.
3. Community: We’re a supportive space for everyone.
4. Enablement: We encourage positive change.
5. Integrity: We share content that touches the heart.

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.

– Edith Wharton