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We have long understood that our minds and bodies are connected. There is one simple, yet powerful way to establish this connection: by recognizing the things we are grateful for. This simple act not only helps us feel good but also has the power to heal us emotionally.
Of course, most of us have so many big things in life which we ought to be grateful for – our health, safety, clean water, food on our table, support of our families, and so much more. But it is also important not to ignore the small, little things that are often overlooked.
So, to begin with, let me share with you 3 such things that I am grateful for – my mother’s big broad smile when she is proud of me, a tall glass of cold water on a hot summer’s day, and the comforting scent that lingers on pages of second-hand books! These simple pleasures always manage to bring a smile to my face.
Did they bring a smile to your face too?
I would like you to hold that thought for a moment, because in this blog post, we will cover 50 more simple, often overlooked, small things to be grateful for. These little joys can brighten our days and bring unexpected happiness.
We have lots to share, so let us get started!
Scientific Proof of The Power of Gratitude

“The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.”
Neil deGrasse Tyson
I have always been curious about the logic and science behind various theories. For me, the idea that gratitude can impact well-being was one such puzzling theory.
So, I decided to dig deeper and explore the research. I found several fascinating studies that clearly show a strong link between gratitude and well-being.
How about we review a couple these studies together? This way, you can also see the evidence for yourself.
The first study that I came across was conducted by researchers at the University of California, Davis, which was led by Dr. Robert Emmons. The study was to see how gratitude affects our well-being.
They divided the participants into 3 groups and asked them to write about different things each week.
One group wrote about what they were grateful for, the second wrote about daily irritations, and a third group wrote about events without focusing on the positive or negative aspects.
The results were clear. People who wrote about gratitude felt more hopeful and happier with their lives. They reported feeling happier, more content, and even exercised more. In fact, this group also had fewer health complaints and felt more connected to others.
In another study by researchers at the University of Utah Health, participants were asked to keep a gratitude journal. The researchers then measured different physical health indicators like blood pressure, sleep quality, and inflammation levels of the participants.
The study found that those who kept a gratitude journal slept better, had lower blood pressure, and experienced reduced inflammation. These improvements were due to the positive effects of gratitude, which helps reduce stress and promotes relaxation.
There were a few other interesting research articles that I came across during my research. I will link them in the suggested reading section below.
Personal reflections for Practicing Gratitude
As you can see, it has been scientifically proven that reflecting on what we are grateful for can significantly improve our mood and overall health.
After reading these research articles, I became convinced that gratitude has a positive impact on our well-being. What I once thought was just a theory is now a proven fact for me!
In fact, I have now started practicing gratitude on a daily basis, and can feel its physical, mental and psychological benefits.
So why don’t you also start practicing gratitude and see for yourself the difference it can make?
List of Things to Be Grateful for in Life
Let me share a list of things we can be grateful for to help you start practicing gratitude. As you continue, gratitude will gradually become a habit. You will find yourself more mindful, spotting things to be thankful for without even trying!
So, let us try to find gratitude in different parts of our lives.
Being Grateful for Family and Relationships
1. Their unselfish advice that helps us grow.
2. Laughing together at inside jokes.
3. Cozying up together while watching a movie.
4. For their unconditional love and support when we are feeling down.
5. For cleaning up together after a family get together.
Things to be Grateful for Health and Well-being
6.That amazing feeling after a good physical workout.
7. Feeling refreshed after a deep, restful sleep.
8. The delicious taste of a fresh fruit.
9. The deep calm and peace after meditation.
10. The clean, fresh feeling after taking a shower.
Expressing Gratitude for Education and Personal Growth
11. Feeling inspired after reading a good book.
12. Being able to learn new things online from the comfort of your home.
13. The joy from those “Eureka!” moments when a new idea suddenly strikes.
14. The joy when you enrol in a new course.
15.Feeling amazed after reading your own journal entries.
Being Thankful for Nature and the Environment
16. Watching a bird build its nest.
17. The calming sound of rain.
18. The beauty of a sunrise.
19. The scent of a newly blossomed rose.
20. The touch of dew on morning grass.
Being Grateful for Material Possessions
21. The smartwatch that tracks your heartbeat.
22. The cosy blanket that keeps you warm on a winter’s day.
23. The smartphone that connects you to the world.
25.The comfortable shoes that make walking a breeze.
26. The laptop that helps you work, earn and learn.
Gratitude for Everyday Joys
26. The feeling when you have just cleaned your wardrobe.
27. Rays of the sun warming your skin.
28.The taste of your favourite meal.
29. The flavour of the hot cup of coffee in the morning.
30. The moments when you suddenly hear from someone you haven’t heard from in a while.
Funny Things to Be Grateful For
31. When your favourite song comes on the radio the moment you start the car.
32. The stress relief by popping bubble wrap.
33. When you can guess the correct password in the first attempt.
34. Finding forgotten money in the pocket of your jeans.
35. The joy of finding the cooler side of the pillow on a warm night.
36. A cat chasing its own tail.
37. When you catch something that you dropped with a ninja like reflex.
38. The relief of taking off shoes at the end of a long day.
39. The relief when you suddenly remember a word that was on the tip of your tongue.
40. Feeling like a hero after opening a tight jar.
Unique Things to Be Grateful For

41. The smell of freshly baked bread.
42. A tall glass of cold water on a summer’s day.
43. The white light of the moon on a full moon night.
44. The warmth of a towel after soaking in the rain.
45. Seeing starts from your balcony on a clear night.
46. Feeling warm sand between your toes.
47. The smell of earth just after rain.
48. The cool breeze from an open window.
49. When you spot a shooting star
50. The quiet of early mornings.
Suggested Reading
So, here is the list of some interesting books and research articles that I came across while doing the research for this blog post.
I believe these resources can offer you a much deeper understanding of our topic and would highly recommend that you read them.
Research Articles
- Gratitude and Well Being: The Benefits of Appreciation – Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience (innovationscns.com)
- Gratitude may increase longevity among older adults | News | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- Gratitude and Well Being – PMC (nih.gov)
Recommended Books
- "The Gratitude Diaries: How a Year Looking on the Bright Side Can Transform Your Life" by Janice Kaplan
- "Thanks! How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier" by Dr. Robert Emmons
- "The Little Book of Gratitude" by Dr. Robert A. Emmons

When things are taking their ordinary course, it can be hard to remember what matters.
Marilynne Robinson
To summarize, in this article we looked at scientific evidence showing the powerful link between gratitude and well-being. Gratitude can make us feel good about ourselves and help uplift our minds. It shifts our perspective and attracts positive experiences into our lives.
As we conclude this blog post, I also want to extend my gratitude to all the readers. I hope you found it just as helpful and informative as I did during my research. Please feel free to share the things you’re grateful for in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you!
Thank you! And I hope to meet you soon in another post.
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